Hello everybody, its me again. You have been too tired of Molmorats in OCG? And you Wanna prepare for molmorat in TCG? Well, number 18 can solve that problem for you. So today, i'll show you guys a heraldic beast deck.
Heraldic Beast is an archetype used by Vetrix in Yu-gi-oh! ZEXAL anime series. They a composed of level 4 monster based on the symbolic representations of country know as heraldic charges.
That's Vetrix
The archetype is focused around swarm and banish tactics, primarily through cards such as "Heraldic Beast Eale" and "Heraldic Beast Unicorn". They also have a number of cards to maintain a hand advantage such as "Heraldic Beast Leo" and "Heraldic Beast Aberconway". They also feature support for Psychic-Type Xyz Monsters.
The Deck relies on putting "Heraldic Beast" monsters in the Graveyard, either to activate their effect (in the case of "Heraldic Beast Leo") or to use their effects later (in the cases of "Heraldic Beast Unicorn" and "Heraldic Beast Twin-Headed Eagle"). Due to the entire archetype being made up of Level 4 monsters, they heavily rely on Xyz Summoning Rank 4 Monster Cards, and this is supported through "Advanced Heraldry Art" and "Heraldry Reborn".
Of particular note is the importance of "Heraldic Beast Leo". Due to its ability to search other "Heraldic Beast" monsters out, it is key to Summon it quickly with cards like "Summoner Monk" and "Goblindbergh" or swarming the field with cards like "Photon Thrasher" and "Kagetokage".
Although this Deck relies heavily on the Graveyard, using "Lightsworn" cards is usually not recommended, due to the fact that its indiscriminate milling can backfire if "Advanced Heraldry Art" and "Heraldry Reborn" are milled. "Lavalval Chain" and "Dust Knight" are usually sufficient.

"Number 18: Heraldry Patriarch" works as the Deck's floater, letting you send your "Heraldic Beast" monsters directly from your Deck to your Graveyard as soon as it is sent to the Graveyard. After its Xyz Summoned for the first time, "Heraldic Beast Unicorn" can Special Summon it back from your Graveyard, letting you re-use its effect and even be used for field presence. It also lets the Deck use "Mind Over Matter", which can hinder your opponent's moves while loading your Graveyard with more "Heraldic Beast" monsters. Additionally, since it doesn't specify the place it needs to be before being sent to the Graveyard, you can use its effect even when its Summon is negated (although this will block it from being Summoned by "Unicorn") and even when detached as an Xyz Material, as when its used with a "Rank-Up-Magic" card
Main Deck: 40
Monster: 19
+3 Heraldic Beast Leo
+3 Heraldic Beast Amphisbaena
+3 Heraldic Beast Unicorn
+3 Heraldic Beast Aberconway
+1 Heraldic Beast Basilisk
+2 Kagetokage
+2 Goblindbergh
+2 Maxx “C”
Spell: 14
+3 Advanced Heraldry Art
+3 Mystical Space Typhoon
+2 Rank-Up Magic Limited Barian’s Force
+2 Instant Fusion
+1 Reinforcement of the Army
+1 Dark Hole
+2 Book of Eclipse
Trap: 7
+1 Mind Over Matter
+1 Time-Space Trap Hole
+1 Compulsory Evacuation Device
+1 Bottomless Trap Hole
+1 Solemn Warning
+1 Solemn Strike
Extra Deck: 15
+3 Number 18: Heraldic Progenitor Plain-Coat
+1 Number 101: Silent Honors ARK
+1 Evilswarm Exciton Knight (OCG) or Norden (TCG)
+1 Number C69: Heraldic Crest of Horror
+1 Number 69: Heraldy Crest
+1 Number C101: Silent Honors DARK
+1 Number C106: Giant Red Hand
+1 Number 8: Heraldic King Genom-Heritage
+1 Lightning Chidori
+1 King of the Feral Imps
+1 Abyss Dweller
+2 Mavelus (1 in tcg)
*Note: You can also play Heraldic Beast Field Spell (i forgot its name) but you can only summon xyz psychic type monster. That's very uncormfotable.)
You can also play with many archetype (maybe lightsworn or Zoodiac )
Its end here. So hope you have a great deck to play with zoodiac (you can even use Zoodiac Engine too.)
Zoodiac Engine: 3 Molmorat - 2 Viper - 1 Throughblade - 1 Ram
I'll see you guys tomorrow and now Cy@ everybody.